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join us for in-person & online services!

Our first service begins at 9:15 with the second starting at 11:00.   


Join us online or on Facebook Livestream at 9:15 if attending in-person isn't a viable option.

Join us live at 9:15 AM by clicking the button below!

You can always rewatch the service at a later time.

See what God can do through your generosity.  Through this simple and safe option, you can now give online! 

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Do you have a Prayer need?

We are so glad you've found your way to Journey Church.

Join us by filling out a Virtual Connect Card!


Following Jesus should never be a solo act. We understand that part of what it means to be a church family is staying connected and opening our lives to one another in-person AND virtually- growing together.

Grow in your faith, with the whole family!

There is something for everyone!

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Sermon Series:  The Apocalypse

When you read about the biblical signs of the end times, it reads like the latest news feed: Wars and rumors of wars, an increase in natural disasters, growing immorality, division and discord.... So, are we living in the end times? What does the Apocalypse, also known as the book of Revelation, in the Bible actually say? Join us in our new series, beginning February 2nd, as we look at the book that introduces us to the tribulation, Armageddon, the antichrist, 666, the second coming of Jesus and, yes, the end of the world.

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Backpack Program Food Drive

During the month of February, we are hosting a food drive to support kids in Woodford County. You can partner with us by bringing in food items and dropping them at marked barrels around Journey Church from now through February 28. 


Cards are located at each of the drop-off spots with more specific details about the food items requested. Thank you for helping make sure no child goes hungry in Woodford County!


For more information about the Backpack Program, please contact Eric at

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Spring Break Mission Trip

Join us on a mission trip with one of our mission partners, Commission Encounter, as we serve at Still Waters Youth Ranch of Appalachia. 


Still Waters seeks to be a home for youth in need where they can find hope and experience God's love while learning practical skills for life and gaining a Christian classical education.


We will leave on Monday, March 31 and return on Wednesday, April 2. The trip is open to students and adults, although space is limited. Opportunities for service include working with tthe youth and several construction projects.


Informational meetings will be held after each service on Sunday, February 16. For more information, please contact Eric at

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"My Journey" Groups

Wednesday nights @ Journey Church

January 22 - March 26


6:00pm – 6:30pm: Food & Fellowship
6:30pm – 7:45pm: All groups meet
Available Groups:
Journey Kids’ Club
Leader: Crystal Collins
Journey Students
Leader: Zach Carmichael
"A Day in the Life"
Leader: Tony Hardin 
"Gospel-Centered Parenting"
Leader: Eric Rice 
"Financial Peace University"

Leaders: John & Humaira Dale


"From Pain to Purpose"
Leaders: Tami Pearce & Emily Hausfeld

"The Book of Romans"
Leaders: Duncan Gardiner & Graham Smith
For detailed descriptions of each group, click here or contact Eric at


Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is an effective way to help all of us deal with the Hurts, Habits, and Hang ups that create roadblocks on our personal Journey toward Jesus.


Whether it be loneliness, depression, alcohol, chemical dependency, anger, or anxiety. At some point in our lives things can be too much to handle on our own.


Jesus is our only answer and it is through Him alone that we can learn to navigate these obstacles that hamper us on our Journey. 


That is what Celebrate Recovery is all about.  Inviting Jesus to heal us and help us as we learn to depend on Him to shape ourselves into the people He calls us to be.


For more information, please contact Daniel Staff at

6:00 – 6:30pm: Food and Fellowship
6:30 – 7:30pm: Worship and Teaching
​7:30 – 8:30pm: Break-out Groups


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