Thank you for your interest and willingness to serve at Journey Church. We know that the strength of the ministry of our church is in the giftedness of our volunteers. We believe that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to use their giftedness to serve within the Church. Your unique gifts and abilities can contribute to spreading God’s light and love to the world. As we work together we help support the maturity and growth of the entire body. Thank you for embracing and applying this Truth from God's Word in your life and the life of Journey Church.
We recognize that as we seek to move people on a simple journey toward Jesus, unity and alignment within the body are critical. In order to maintain unity, there are a few things that we ask everyone who volunteers here to agree to. By agreeing to what we believe, you are willingly placing yourself under the authority of the leadership of Journey Church while you hold a volunteer position within the church. If you have any questions regarding these statements and/or you would like to discuss them with a staff person, please contact us.
Thank you again for taking the time to honor God with your time and talents at Journey Church. We are humbled to have the opportunity to work alongside you and grateful that you are seeking to glorify God with us.
Randy Nation, Senior Minister
I agree to submit to the authority of the leadership of Journey Church in matters of doctrine.
I will faithfully support the strategy of the leadership of Journey Church.
I willingly submit to the staff and volunteer leaders, within the area of ministry in which I will be volunteering.
I will consistently participate in corporate worship at Journey Church and devote time to personal worship and my own spiritual development.
I agree to be consistently present at my time of service and to arrive at the appropriate time appointed by the leaders.
I commit to taking potentially divisive issues directly to the leader of this ministry area in which I am volunteering.
I agree to participate in any meetings and/or training necessary when possible.
I understand that my appointment is for a term of one year. My re-appointment is based on my fulfillment of these expectations, my completion of the required responsibilities and the decision of the leadership of Journey Church.
I understand that as a volunteer involved at Journey Church, I publicly represent Jesus and the church and will use proper judgment in matters of lifestyle, sexuality, character and integrity. In doing so, I agree to avoid matters which may reflect an appearance of evil.
I understand that as a leader involved at Journey Church, I publicly represent Jesus and the church and support that sex is God’s gift to be enjoyed exclusively in the context of a marriage between one man and one woman. All other sexual acts are outside of God’s will for mankind.
Contact: Dan Prout, Worship Minister | 859-873-7421| dan@journeyky.church
Journey Church’s worship ministry exists to move people on a simply journey towards Jesus. We do this through utilizing the gifts and talent’s of God’s people within His church. There are two main branches of the worship ministry that form the worship team on Sunday mornings here at Journey: Music & Production. Together these two branches form the worship team. This team seeks to express God’s love with all that we are, and lead others into a meaningful encounters with their Creator. We believe it is through this personal relationship with Jesus, that we as people see transformation in our lives and the lives of those around us. If you are interested in joining the worship team, take a moment to check where you might best use your giftings:
Our Vocalists express God’s hope by engaging the people in our services with the message of the songs we sing. We seek to reflect God’s love for us through the words we sing together. We are seeking people who are passionate about communicating God’s truth through song. If you have a heart for connecting people with their Savior in song.
Our Instrumentalists create expressive and moving melodies that prepare people’s hearts to be receptive to the message of the Gospel. We engage the listener through music that impacts their attitude and alters their perspective to better see God’s love. If you’d like to be part of creating music that draws people into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Our Audio Technicians shape and support the voice of our corporate experiences. We work closely with the worship leader to meet the worship team’s needs. We build the mix of instrument’s and vocalist’s sounds that are heard in the room during service, and adjust microphones for the speaker on stage.
We operate up to two computers and execute a script of lighting cues during the service. One computer runs ProPresenter to display lyrics, message graphics, images, and another for selecting camera shots, for display within the venue and online. We partner with every aspect of the service to clearly communicate the message of the Gospel.
Contact: Tony Ratliff, Operations Director | 859-873-7421| ratliff@journeyky.church
As we move people on a simple journey towards Christ, our facility must be conducive for worship, fellowship and prayer. To accomplish this, Journey Church has created a facility ministry to ensure each area of our church is maintained to the best quality of standards. This ministry will be responsible for both interior and exterior projects while maintaining the maintenance schedules for the facilities. Tony Ratliff, our Operations Director will be heading up this ministry and is currently looking for dedicated men and women to serve periodically throughout the year for different projects and tasks. Anyone having a specific trade speciality, or general maintenance skills who would like to serve in this ministry, please take a moment to apply to volunteer in this ministry.
These systems are key to any building, and a church is no different. Journey's building is utilized to support two schools and numerous other community events and ministry activities throughout the week. In order to keep our building functioning effectively in this manner we need skilled help.
First impressions matter, and at Journey Church we want to make the best impression we can on everyone who comes to our facility. This is so important to us because when people come to Journey they're forming opinions not just about our church but about Jesus. We want to do our best to make that first impression a good one.
IT &
Technologies and networking in the information age are vital parts to how we engage with the world around us and share the message of Christ. As we continue to grow and seek to be good stewards of that growth we need help from people who can help us create a digital environment which supports & enhances ministry instead of deterring it.
Everything from replacing light bulbs and setting up tables to building a new wall is under the umbrella of general maintenance. Day in and day out, things need to be accomplished to allow ministry to flourish at Journey Church. If you'd like to be apart of supporting Journey's ministries, this is an great way to make a difference.
Contact: Eric Rice, Children's Minister | 859-873-7421| eric@journeyky.church
Every Sunday all children (babies through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. We are passionate about kids learning about Jesus in a way they can understand. If you share that passion with us then please take a moment to check out some opportunities for serving with kids at Journey. It's because of people like you who made the decision to let God use them in the life of a child that we can make Jesus real to the next generation. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level.
The nursery cares for kids who are 6 weeks – 24 months old. During the service, leaders get to hold, rock, play with, and care for babies, which makes a huge impact on families by allowing adults to engage in the worship service. By providing a cheerful and consistent leader each week, babies will often grow more and more comfortable playing in the nursery.
The preschool-aged ministry builds relationships with kids and teaches them engaging Bible stories at a preschool age level. There are opportunities to serve in a classroom setting where leaders utilize fun activities and crafts to help make the stories memorable for kids. Other opportunities include teaching the Bible story in a Large Group setting in a creative way, which brings Scripture to life.
The elementary-aged ministry builds relationships with kids and teaches them engaging Bible stories at an elementary age level. There are opportunities to serve as a small group leader where leaders engage kids on a weekly basis around discussion questions and fun activities. Other opportunities include teaching the Bible story in a Large Group setting in a creative way, which brings Scripture to life.
Creating welcoming environments for kids to engage on Sunday morning requires many critical support roles. There are opportunities to serve in roles both during the week and on Sunday mornings. Some of those roles include preparing supplies, checking in kids for the service, and assisting in special projects like environment décor and volunteer appreciation.